Positive Inspirational Stories
Positive Featured Inspirational Story - June 1 to June 30, 2010
Memories sustain us on Father's Day
With many miles between us, I'm seldom with my dad on Father's Day and this year will be no different. Sure, we'll share a cheerful chat on the phone and he will thank me for his card and gift. Nonetheless, we won't feel cheated by the status of a calendar for we have oodles of memories to sustain us.
For us, Father's Day is whenever we are fortunate enough to be together. It's not as often as I'd like but when it happens we have extended visits, not just a few days. Recently I went home and spent an entire month with Dad; each and every day was a joyful celebration! That equals 30 years worth of Father's Days rolled into one get-together - it doesn't get any better than that.
On Father's Day while I wander down memory lane, I'll smile knowing my dad, at 89 years of age, is doing likewise. We will both reflect on our recent merriment; the majority of which took place at the lake! Yep, if the weather permitted we were up early with hopes we'd catch a 'big one.'
I know Dad smirked when he pounded on my bedroom door those early mornings, before the sun even crested the horizon. Startled, my dogs grumbled and growled and I'd finally grumble, too! 'I'm awake, Dad, you can stop pounding now!'
Our annual fishing marathon began with us keeping score. After a few days we lost count, had no idea who was in the lead, and we didn't care. The fish were biting, our spirits were high, and we were together doing something we both love.
At last, a 'big one' did hit; I hooked that channel cat and slowly wrestled him in. He was hefty and beautiful but before he was on solid terracotta, my line snapped and he was gone in a split second. I whined the rest of the day and Dad teased me about telling fish stories!
Not to be discouraged, we were back at the lake the following morning. On my first cast I hooked another big fella. The fishing line screeched as it was stripped from my reel and I tightened the drag until that little dial would turn no more. I didn't breathe, nor did I yell for Dad to come watch the battle. I concentrated! Everything Dad ever taught me about angling raced through my mind like a movie on fast forward. Meanwhile, the reel chattered like it might fly to pieces. Once I'd actually won the skirmish, I hollered for Dad.
'Go get your camera!' Dad ordered as he proudly took the channel cat from my quivering grasp.
Once photos were taken, along with a weigh-in of 10 pounds, I finally caught my breath and let out a war whoop that echoed across the lake. Dad smiled as if he'd caught the fish instead of me . . . that's just what Dad's do . . . it's their nature.
Our month of memory making took us down pathways abundant with twists, turns, and even a few detours - one being an unexpected storm which chased us from the lake straight into Dad's kitchen.
'Kathy,' Dad said, 'don't you think we should bake a pan of brownies?'
In translation that meant, Kathy would you bake a pan of brownies? His sweet tooth had been deprived of dessert for at least three days - mercy!
'Sure! You just relax while I mix up a batch.'
Dad is a fine cook, but he also enjoys being pampered and out of the kitchen now and then.
I'd barely begun when I heard horse hooves, gunshots, and the voice of John Wayne. It was time for Dad's afternoon western.
I soon popped the brownies in the oven and asked, 'How long's it been since you've had icing on your brownies?'
His blue eyes twinkled at the thought. 'Way too long!'
While I iced brownies, Dad rode sidekick with John Wayne through the Montana high country. At the next commercial, he dismounted and sauntered into the kitchen to clean out the icing bowl, while I expected to hear the clatter of spurs against the kitchen floor.
'What kind of icing is this? I know it's chocolate but it tastes a little different than usual.'
'Dad, it's chocolate mocha. I know Mom made it from time to time.'
'Well, if she did, I sure don't remember it!' He left not one smidgen of icing and nearly scraped the finish right off the bowl.
Still smacking his lips, he yanked a recipe card out of a drawer and scribbled detailed instructions for making chocolate mocha icing.
No, the date on a calendar does not determine when I express love, gratitude, and respect for my Dad - I convey those feelings at each and every opportunity. Yet, if we could spend Father's Day together, I'd strive to make it a memorable one. I'd pack a picnic basket that brimmed over with wonderful treats to nibble on while we fished. And, tucked way down below all those munchies a surprise dessert would await Dad . . . brownies with chocolate mocha icing, what else?
Dedicated to Dad and written with love by Kathleene Baker
Kathy resides in Plano, Texas with husband Jerry, and two precious pups, Hank and Samantha. She enjoys writing, needlework, and fishing. As a freelancer, she has contributed to newspapers, anthologies, magazines, online ezines, Chicken Soup for the Soul and writes a weekly column entitled The Heart of Texas.
Kathleene's Tips on making sensational brownies with chocolate mocha icing
Use your favourite brownie recipe or even boxed brownies will work well. The only trick to the icing is to add extra powder sugar to any chocolate icing recipe to make it stiff, and then thin to proper consistency with a few tablespoons of strong black coffee. It is YUMMY!
- Inspirational Stories
- Finding a Forever Home
- Grandma's Thimble
- When you thought I wasn't looking
- Left Behind
- Enjoy your nectarine
- The Old Phone . . . How do you spell fix?
- You make a difference
- Lessons from Geese
- The Richest Man in the Valley
- The Making of a Memory
- Wings
- Why The Elephants Dont Run
- The Sandpiper . . . to bring you joy
- They don't walk in your shoes . . . Click, Click, Click!
- The Happiest Day of My Life
- Courage - Despite the Odds
- You just never know
- Learning to Listen
- If it is meant to be, it will be
- The Learning Tree
- The Red Marbles
- The Weeds of Our Lives
- The Distinct Sound of Purring
- Flowers for the Teacher
- The Red Ribbon
- Santa's Love
- All The Good Things
- Yusuf - He's My Brother
- Extra Good Luck
- Hoo Hoo Fraks
- Stand tall like the Sunflower
- Unique Words of Forgiveness
- I Got Back On My Seat
- Brick Wall
- White Envelopes
- Love and Music in Their Hearts
- Birthday Cards with Secret Codes
- Gift Exchange - lessons about life!
- When the message light doesn't blink
- Tenant Farmers
- I know you by heart
- In Clay Vessels
- Letting Go
- When the nest emptied
- When the birdies came
- Broken Eggs and Shattered Glass
- After the applause, make time for words of praise!
- Are you a bucker filler or a dipper
- Choosing Confidence
- The Stone Soup Story
- A Mother's Job
- Hugging Life
- The Perfect Partnership
- Acknowledging a Special Treat
- A Different Perspective
- Life is meant to be lived
- Treasured Traditions
- Rules for a better way to live
- I Just Get Started
- Memories sustain us on Father's Day
- Creating Opportunity
- Forgiving without condoning or forgetting
- Nothing is long or short, hot or cold, good or bad!
- The Power of Discipline
- Sentry of the Homestead
- You deserve an Academy Award!
- All in the Family
- What is your Passion?
- We danced through life
- A choice to make
- Five ingredients of personal growth
- Acres of Diamonds
- If you look like a duck . . .
- The Secret of Happiness
- Harvesting Love
- It's music to your ears
- A Special Brand of Luck
- They are just empty cars
- Thou Art An Eagle
- Encouragement Works
- When you're in the cement mixer
- Plant Annually
- Life and Its Legs
- No Barriers in Life
- Getting Started
- Good Leaders are Good Followers
- How much do you want it to be
- How to improve your vision
- What forgiveness will buy
- Why let that hold you back
- Letting the yeast work its magic
- 9 things that make good employees quit
- The Beginning of Positive Thinking
- Giving Back
- May you be known by your love
- Expand your vision of possibilities
- We are meant for the skies
- Mr Belser died last night
- Are you dead on the job
- What makes us happy
- Motivating Others
- The clock is running so make the most of today
- Calming the muddy waters
- Keeping New Year's Resolutions - the secret additive
- You are unique
- Web of Love
- Is happiness around the corner
- Seeing Life Through New Eyes
- An enriching action
- The Road to Significance and Success
- The real purpose of your life
- With leadership its the little things that matter
- The Obstacle in our Path
- Good deeds no matter how small can change the world for someone
- Accepting responsibility has its rewards
- An Inspiring Thanksgiving
- The Ever-Flowing Spiral of Love
- Clementine - My Very First Dog
- The Little Nail
- His Greatest Treasure
- Their love comes with no strings and has no boundaries
- Three Simple Words that Change Everything
- Words
- Thank You
- Moral Courage - The Engine of Integrity
- The Person in a Different Skin
- Believe In Your Ideas
- I'll Never Complain Again
- You Are Wonderful!
- The Value of Knowledge
- Living In Gratitude
- No Regrets
- The words we love to hear
- On this Day
- Some thoughts on Living
- If You Were Arrested for Kindness
- Attitude over Circumstances
- Gifts From the Heart
- You Are
- Energy Vibes - Are You an Energiser or a Drainer
- The words we love to hear
- Here lived a great street sweeper who did his job well
- After all I've said and done
- Some Important Don'ts
- The Little Nail
- A Different Perspective